.. _monitoring: Monitoring ========== Delivery Checks --------------- The Remote Settings ecosystem can be monitored from the `Delivery Checks dashboard `_. Each environment has its own set of checks, and generally speaking if the checks pass, the service is operating without issues. .. note:: This is an instance of `Telescope `_, a generic health check service that you can use for your services! Server Metrics -------------- Servers send live metrics which are visible in Grafana. We have a `remote-settings folder `_ with the main dashboards. Server Logs ----------- Servers logs are available in the Google Cloud Console `Logs Explorer `_. Writer Instances '''''''''''''''' This shows Nginx logs combined with application logs: :: resource.type="k8s_container" labels."k8s-pod/app_kubernetes_io/component"="writer" To filter out request summaries, and see application logs only: :: jsonPayload.Type!="request.summary" Specific status codes, for example errors: :: jsonPayload.Fields.code=~"^(4|5)\d{2,2}$" Reader Instances '''''''''''''''' :: labels."k8s-pod/app_kubernetes_io/component"="reader" Cronjobs / Lambdas '''''''''''''''''' Filter ``labels."k8s-pod/app_kubernetes_io/component"`` with one of the following values: - ``cron-backport-records`` - ``cron-backport-records-normandy`` - ``cron-cookie-banner-rules-list`` - ``cron-refresh-signature`` - ``cron-remote-settings-mdn-browser-compat-data`` - ``cron-sync-megaphone`` Attachments CDN Logs '''''''''''''''''''' :: httpRequest.requestUrl =~ "attachments" Clients Telemetry ----------------- Clients send us uptake statuses, that we can query and graph over time in Redash. Redash Queries '''''''''''''' - `Signature errors by version `_ - `Sync error investigation (last 36H) `_ - `Synchronization errors distribution `_ - `Remote Settings clients stuck in the past `_ - `Profiles with broken sync (last 120H) `_ .. note:: Most queries filter on the last X hours with ``WHERE timestamp > TIMESTAMP_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL {{X}} HOUR)`` but it's possible to query a specific time window with: :: WHERE timestamp > timestamp '2023-10-24 06:00:00' AND timestamp < timestamp '2023-10-24 22:00:00' .. note:: These queries may require permissions, don't hesitate to request access on Slack in ``#delivery``. Telescope Check Queries ''''''''''''''''''''''' These queries can be used as models when troubleshooting with Redash: - `Events per period of 10min `_ - `Percentiles on sync duration and age of pulled data `_